How can the US and Donald Trump actively support the slaughter of innocent women and children? And leaders of world are busy golfing.
Turkish state-backed media hails a “successful operation” to “neutralize” an unarmed 35-year old woman working to unite Arabs, Christians, and Kurds in NE Syria. Ms. Hevrin Khalef was reportedly dragged from a vehicle and shot to death. That’s a war crime.
Turkin valtion tukema media tiedottaa onnistuneesta operaatiosta "neutraloida" aseeton 35-vuotias nainen, joka työskentelee yhdistääkseen arabeja, kristittyjä ja kurdeja NE Syyriassa. Hevrin Khalefia tiedettiin raahaamaan ajoneuvosta ja ammuttu kuolemaan. Se on sotarikos.
Kun Syyrian sisällissota alkoi vuonna 2011, kurdit suojelivat aluksi omia ydinalueitaan Syyrian koilliskulmassa. Kurdijoukot olivat mukana lyömässä alueita valloittanutta jihadistijärjestö Isisiä. Isisin vetäydyttyä kurdijoukot ovat hallinneet Koillis-Syyriassa aluetta, joka ulottuu kurdien asuinalueen ulkopuolelle.[1] Syyrian Kurdistanin de facto itsehallinto syntyi heinäkuussa 2012, jolloin kurdien asuttamat maan pohjoisosat siirtyivät Syyrian hallituksen alaisuudesta YPG-joukkojen, Kurdien kansallisneuvoston KNC:n sekä Demokraattisen liittopuolueen PYD:n hallintaan.[2]
Syyskuussa 2019 Yhdysvaltain presidentti Donald Trump päätti kotiuttaa huomattavasti Yhdysvaltain sotilaita Syyriasta, mikä käytännössä jätti Koillis-Syyrian kurdit Turkin alueelle kohdistaman hyökkäyksen armoille.[3] Turkin hyökkäys Syyriaan alkoi 9. lokakuuta 2019, ja Turkin presidentti Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ilmoitti tarkoituksena olevan "eliminoida terroristit" maiden väliseltä rajaseudulta. Hyökkäyksen kohteena olevalla alueella sijaitsee leirejä, joilla pidetään kurdien vangitsemia Isis-terrorijärjestön taistelijoita.[4]
Syyrian Kurdistan on Syyrian pohjoisosassa sijaitseva autonominen alue, joka on myös Kurdistanin osa. Alueesta yleisesti käytetty nimi ”Rojava” on kurdin kieltä ja tarkoittaa länttä
@nytimes obtained thousands of previously unheard Russian Air Force communications in Syria. Our investigation shows how Russia bombed four hospitals in just 12 hours.
- اقرأ باللغة العربية
- The Russian Air Force has repeatedly bombed hospitals in Syria in order to crush the last pockets of resistance to President Bashar al-Assad, according to an investigation by The New York Times.
- An analysis of previously unpublished Russian Air Force radio recordings, plane spotter logs and witness accounts allowed The Times to trace bombings of four hospitals in just 12 hours in May and tie Russian pilots to each one.
Exclusive: After US pulls out of northern Syria, former Defense Sec. Mattis tells
that "ISIS will resurge" if the US doesn't keep up the pressure. "It's absolutely a given that they will come back." nbcnews.to/35qLMz3 More on
-----that "ISIS will resurge" if the US doesn't keep up the pressure. "It's absolutely a given that they will come back." nbcnews.to/35qLMz3 More on
By Phil McCausland
Former Defense Secretary James Mattis, who led the Pentagon through the first two years of the Trump administration, warned during an exclusive interview with NBC's "Meet the Press" that the president's decision to pull troops from Syria's border in advance of a Turkish incursion could have dire consequences and lead to ISIS's resurgence.
"We have got to keep the pressure on ISIS so they don't recover," Mattis said in response to "Meet the Press" moderator Chuck Todd's asking whether the United States would regret Trump's decision.
"We may want a war over; we may even declare it over. You can pull your troops out as President Obama learned the hard way out of Iraq, but the 'enemy gets the vote', we say in the military. And in this case, if we don't keep the pressure on, then ISIS will resurge. It's absolutely a given that they will come back."
For more on this story, watch "Meet the Press" with Chuck Todd on Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. ET, or check local listings.
Trump announced the decision to move U.S. forces from the region of northern Syria bordering Turkey on Sunday, stating that Turkey wanted to begin an operation in the region to resettle Syrian refugees.
The announcement drew widespread and intense criticism, including from some of Trump's Republican colleagues, because Turkey's offensive is against Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), who have been a key U.S. ally in the fight against ISIS.
Mustafa Bali, the official SDF spokesperson, has told NBC News the U.S. decision to stand aside as Turkey moves into Syria was "shocking and unexpected." Bali called it "a huge mistake" that will allow ISIS to "reunite itself and appear again stronger than before."
"It seems that the policy of the United States is to betray their friends and allies," Bali added.
The Trump administration announced Friday that it was prepared to slap stiff economic sanctions on Turkey in response to the country's military offensive.
A day before, Trump defended his decision by stating on Twitter that he was "trying to end the ENDLESS WARS."
"Turkey has been planning to attack the Kurds for a long time. They have been fighting forever. We have no soldiers or Military anywhere near the attack area. I am trying to end the ENDLESS WARS," the president said.
Trump said in an additional series of tweets that the United States had "defeated 100% of the ISIS Caliphate."
"We did our job perfectly!" he wrote.
Mattis, a retired Marine Corps general who led U.S. Central Command and served in the Gulf War, and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, did not seem convinced.
"It’s in a situation of disarray right now," Mattis told Todd. "Obviously, the Kurds are adapting to the Turkish attacks. And we'll have to see if they're able to maintain the fight against ISIS. It's going to have an impact. The question is, how much?"
Turkin hyökkäys Syyrian kurdialueille on jatkunut keskiviikosta alkaen. Turkki pitää Syyrian kurdijoukkoja vihollisinaan ja pyrkii perustamaan rajansa edustalle "suojavyöhykkeen".
Tässä artikkelissa kerromme hyökkäyksen viimeiset käänteet.
Kurdit: Turkin liittolaistaistelijat tappaneet siviilejä
Turkin kanssa liittoutuneet taistelijat ovat tappaneet yhdeksän kurdisiviiliä Pohjois-Syyriassa, sanoo kansalaisjärjestö Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. Järjestön mukaan yksi tapetuista on Syyrian tulevaisuus -puolueen pääsihteeri Hevrin Khalaf.
Khalaf on ollut yksi tunnetuimmista kurdilaisista naispolitiikoista. Kurdien mukaan Turkin liittolaisjoukot kiskoivat hänet ja hänen kuljettajansa ulos autosta ja ampuivat hänet. Uutistoimisto Reutersin mukaan taistelijat ovat kiistäneet tapot.--

Seppo Lehto Tampere Finland
Tampere University
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